Amendment to the Company’s Articles of Association
3Soft S.A. informs that the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the company on June 14th 2021 made an amendment to the company’s Articles of Association.
Therefore, on 06.07.2021, the following content was entered in the KRS register no. 41:
Dz. 1. Rub. 4. Informacje o statucie wpisać: 1 1. 14.06.2021R., REPERTORIUM A NR 1018/2021, NOTARIUSZ AGNIESZKA ZYMEK, KANCELARIA NOTARIALNA W KATOWICACH UL. JESIONOWA 22/IV ZMIENIONO: § 3, § 4 A UST. 4, § 32 UST. 1
The above change was announced in Monitor Sądowy i Gospodarczy No. 138/2021 (6283) of 20.07.2021, item 551324