25th Anniversary of the House of Guardian Angels
8 October 2019On 7 October, a ceremonial jubilee gala of the 25th anniversary of the House of Guardian Angels/Dom Aniołów Stróżów was held at the Stanisław Wyspiański Silesian Theatre in Katowice. 3Soft was a partner of the event.
“Soft has supported the wonderful initiatives of the House of Guardian Angels for children and youth for years, so this anniversary meeting has been a great pleasure for us. We wish the Angels at least another 25 years of activity that will “give wings” to another generation of children and youth” – said Michał Koziara, the CEO at 3Soft.
The House of Guardian Angels Association for Children and Youth/Dom Aniołów Stróżow Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Dzieciom i Młodzieży has been providing multidimensional support to children and youth, and their families, since the 1990s. The Association’s activities include therapeutic day activity centers, children and youth development clubs, street programs, family counseling, talent development academies, social and professional activation programs for youth and adults, conducted in post-industrial areas and in Silesian poverty districts: in Katowice – Załęże, Chorzów – Batory, Chorzów – Centrum and Sosnowiec – Juliusz.
“Currently, there are over 130 children under our wings in day activity centers and clubs, almost 600 children whom we help in street programs, and 100 families under the care of our Family Support Center” – enumerates Monika Bajka, the President of the House of Guardian Angels Association.
Report from the event: https://dziennikzachodni.pl/jubileusz-25lecia-domu-aniolow-strozow-zdjecia-w-teatrze-slaskim-odbyla-sie-gala-oraz-wreczono-statuetki-przyjaciel-dzieci-2019/ar/c1-14481515