3Soft among Poland’s 10 largest providers of systems for advanced data analysis
14 July 2020
Computerworld TOP 200 report, 2020 edition
3Soft has been ranked on the high 10th position among the largest companies providing Business Intelligence, Big Data and Data Discovery systems in the prestigious Computerworld TOP 200 report, 2020 edition.
“We are proud to have joined a prestigious group that includes top providers, such as IBM Polska, SAS Institute or SAP Polska. For years we have been building competence in advanced data analysis and Data-Driven Business solutions. Such a high position in the Computerworld ranking reinforces our belief that the development strategy implemented at 3Soft is correct and meets the current market needs” – says Michał Koziara, CEO, 3Soft S.A.
The Computerworld TOP 200 report is the oldest and most comprehensive publication on the condition of the IT industry in Poland. The several hundred-page report contains detailed analyses of the activities of 367 biggest Polish IT companies.

The largest providers of systems for advanced data analysis